What a weekend!
I love hand processing. It’s my favorite thing in the world. I don’t know if it’s the instant gratification of seeing my image appear only moments after I’ve captured it, or if it’s the joy of splashing around in chemicals. Either way it’s my favorite thing that I’ve learned how to do in undergrad.
When I was talking to Megan about this blog post, I told I would write about everything but the actual shoot. That’s because the other things were so cool.
For instance, Andy knocked Emma’s phone into the murky water out by Friday Hall. I’m still not 100% sure how that happened, but it did. He was keeping time and stopped to write himself a note when we heard the distinct kerplunk! of something dropping off the bridge into the water.
I also got to kick a volleyball around for our bumblebee to chase, which was even cooler because Laura Murphy showed up as an extra.
The shoot was quite an experience on its own. Who knew it would really take the whole time to choreograph and shoot a 56 second take? This is why narrative is too much work for me. Not that it doesn’t take time to set up a documentary shot or an experimental shot, but I just don’t have the patience for all of the blocking.